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Hear Our Stories
on the Golden Path

Facilitator Bio's


Gary Gottselig
Somatic Breathwork Facilitator

Hi! I'm Gary, one of the co-facilitators at Liberate Your Life Force. Like many of you, I've been on the path of awakening for years, which eventually led me to the liberating power of the breath.


I was so inspired (literally, as the word means to breathe into) by my experience with breathwork, I felt guided to learn how to facilitate it.


I've now been facilitating breathwork since 2021 and love witnessing my students have powerful releases and breakthroughs.


Last year I decided to take my training even deeper and became a certified trauma-informed somatic coach. This was a profoundly transformational journey that taught me just how much we store in the body and how the body itself holds the keys to our freedom.


I am SO excited to weave my skills into this platform so that YOU can experience the fully embodied results that you desire (and deserve!). 

"Liberation comes

when you start to

consistently say YES

to what makes you

feel fully alive."


~ Gary Gottselig ~


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Cataya T Caven
Distant Energy Healer

Hello, I’m Cataya, one of the vibe tribe co-facilitators at Liberate Your Life Force. As anyone who is magnetized to this work, I have felt driven my whole life, even felt it within my bones... the call to freedom.

Over 20 years ago, I had a profound spiritual awakening, where I experienced what it feels like to live in heightened blissful and euphoric states (yep… Heaven on Earth) outside of my old programming and painful experiences that had long suppressed my life force.


After travelling the world for years to fully integrate this freedom and release what was still holding me back, I did a deep inward dive to acquire the tools and skills needed to further support myself and others to blow the doors to liberation wide open.

I've found that it is within the unseen patterns that the majority of us tend to be the most stuck. In knowing this, I have chosen to specialize in energy work to lift the layers that keep us mired in limitations.

I look forward to being in the group field with you as we free ourselves and move as a collective into all living the liberated lives we came to embody.


"The call for freedom

knocks on the door

of every soul who knows

that what it truly thirsts for

can only be quenched

through liberation."


~ Cataya T Caven ~


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Solah Nightstar, MDiv
Tuning Fork Maestro

Hey There! I'm Solah. After lifetimes of studying metaphysics, I became a passion and purpose alignment coach in 2010 because I wanted to help people manifest beautiful, happy, majickal lives like the one I felt I was living.  


Shortly after dedicating myself to this path, my world collapsed and spirit took me through a 9 year, dark night of the soul.


In order to overcome the challenges I was presented with and regain my vitality, I relentlessly tried and tested about 60 different tools and modalities over the course of the next 9 years.


In 2019, I began working with the tuning forks in my auric field. Unlike most of the things I had tried previously,  they made a significant difference to my energy levels. This was the start of my recovery and through those sessions I was able to clear space for other potent and effective solutions to appear, leading to a more full recovery in 2021.


Sharing these vibrational recalibration sessions with others and witnessing their healing for the last 5 years has been an absolute honor and joy. I’m excited to be teaming up with Gary and Cataya who are amazing people and very talented healers and to be bringing you the exponential power of our combined work!

"When you follow

your heart,

we all prosper."


~ Solah Nightstar ~


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