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Experience greater freedom and vitality
through the synergistic power of somatic breathwork,
energy healing and tuning forks.


Are You Suffering from Blocked Life Force?

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You're chock full of stress
Stuck in unhealthy habits
Intentionally dimming your shine
Energy levels are lagging
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Creativity's all dried up
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Abundance ain't flowin'

If any of these ring true, you're in the right place.

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Nobody wants to feel dull and depleted.

Our unique formula of somatic breathwork,
energy healing and tuning forks is designed to 
help clear the stuck energy holding you back
so you can get back to glowing with vitality
and living a more fulfilling life.


You were born 
to glow like 24K gold.

Want to Know How You Can Glow?

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Get Signed Up

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Clear What's Stuck

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Radiate Vitality

Because you shouldn't have
to settle for feeling lackluster.

Meet the Team

We're here to support you!



Gary Gottselig

As a trained breathwork facilitator and certified somatic coach, Gary will be guiding you to liberate your life force through both the body and the breath. 



Cataya T Caven

Cataya has an extensive background in remote energy work and will be weaving Shamanic Reiki with Cranio-Sacral Therapy to help clear your energetic blocks. 



Solah Nightstar

Solah is a maestro in the therapeutic use of tuning forks to locate and clear out energetic blockages in your auric field, allowing life force to flow more freely.


Check Out These Glowing Testimonials

Bill M.

"Thank you so much for that group session on Friday night! It was truly amazing. Since the session I have felt lighter, clearer and more fluid in movement. I am very impressed that I got to experience this over the Internet in a group setting. Solah makes a solid connection and knows how to get channels open." 
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What is repressed
life force costing you?

Your body was designed to be luminous, pulsating with vibrant life force.  

Yet, like layers of accumulated rust, limiting beliefs, negative thinking and trapped emotions  tarnish your innate glow, resulting in:

* Diminished health and well-being
* Higher levels of stress and anxiety
* Scarcity consciousness
* Lackluster relationships
* Less joy, purpose and inspiration
* The list goes on (and on and on)

BUT! There's some good news!

You CAN liberate yourself and get back to thriving through the synergistic power of somatic breathwork, energy healing and tuning forks. 

And the beautiful thing is... you don't have to do it alone. 



Clear the rust,
reveal your radiance.

The Benefits of a
Synergized Approach

If you want to experience true liberation, it's vital to do the work to transmute what's stuck in your system on both the somatic and vibrational levels.
That's why this potent trifecta has been designed to reach deep into your body AND your auric field to help clear the blocks on ALL layers of your being.

Are you ready for a life filled with more vitality, flow and freedom as you release the energetic baggage that's weighing you down? Let's do this!

More potential benefits include: * Increased clarity, creativity and coherence * Release of stress and tension * Healing old wounds, grief and traumas * Recalibrated nervous system * More forgiveness and compassion * A greater sense of aliveness * Deeper connection to Source * Detoxing physically, mentally and emotionally * Feelings of joy and expansion * Vibrational shifts resulting in new perspectives * Deeper alignment with life purpose * Better quality of sleep * Reduction in physical pain * Stronger immunity and emotional resilience * Improved relationship with self and others

Curious about
how it all works? 

Who shouldn't

You are a Solid Gold Soul
Who Deserves to Feel Absolutely Radiant 

with facilitators who get what it's like when you don't.


Book a Class

Join us every Sunday
on Zoom at 11am PST for a revitalizing 90 minute class.


Keep Tuning In

You don't go the gym once and say you're done. Keep comin' to clear out your blocks.


Glow Forth & Prosper

Get out there and live your best liberated life! Give your golden gifts to the world. 
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"Love liberates." ❤︎
Maya Angelou

Want to Volunteer? 

Join our Solid Gold Vibe Tribe every Sunday to help build a co-nourishing container designed to infuse the group field with the radiant qualities of your Solid Gold Self.

This is a truly golden opportunity to play an integral role in the liberation of the LYL community, while also fueling your own freedom. How sweet is that?


In exchange for a 1 month commitment, you'll receive 4 free classes to liberate your own life force. Woohoo!

Only 8 spots available each monthly cycle.

Reach out to learn more. Can't wait to glow with you.


This high vibe guide is a must have,
7 golden practices to help you glow
with abundant health and vitality.

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"Tell me,
what is it you plan to do
with your one wild
and precious life?"

Mary Oliver

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Breathwork, energy work and tuning forks are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. This class is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. If you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program.


These sessions are offered as part of our practice as a facilitators, healers and coaches. Our offerings are not to be taken as medical advice but as information for self-empowerment. Our primary efforts are directed to helping others discover, acquire and activate their own abilities to heal themselves.

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