Your Life Force is Blocked if:

You have a hard time expressing
the full spectrum of emotions

You're letting fear stop you from
going full tilt towards your goals

There's chronic tension in your
body that won't seem to go away

You keep repeating unhealthy
patterns and behaviours

You're not bringing forth the
creative genius within you

You struggle to speak your truth
and own your authenticity

Nobody wants to feel stuck. It sucks!
Our somatic breathwork + energy
healing classes are designed to help liberate
the stuck energy holding you back so you can
move forward with clarity, joy and peace.
When you use our formulas,
"stuckness" turns to solid gold freedom.
Life force is meant to flow through your body unobstructed.
When it gets constipated by unprocessed emotions and stress,
you suffer - you become stifled, sick and stagnant.
It's time to get things movin', baby!

Book a Class
Check out our virtual class schedule and our monthly in-person in Vancouver.

Keep Things Movin'
You don't go the gym once and say you're done. Keep comin' to clear out your blocks.

Live More Freely
Liberate your true self and show this world just how darn
awesome you are.

These Benefits are Golden
* Sovereignty over your energetic state
* More inspiration for your art
* Improved physical and mental health
* Greater resilience to face hard stuff
* Reduction in stress and tension
* Clarity on your path and next steps
* Healthier relationships, inside & out
* Profound spiritual insights
Meet the Team
We're here to support you!
The Freedom
If the thought of harnessing the power of ecstatic dance and real magical practices to ignite global (and individual) liberation gets you all hot and bothered, this is a FREE virtual event you won't wanna miss!
Join us LIVE on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 12pm Pacific on Zoom and let's dance!

Breathwork, energy work and somatic dance are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. These classes are not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. If you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program.
These sessions are offered as part of our practice as a facilitators, healers and coaches. Our offerings are not to be taken as medical advice but as information for self-empowerment. Our primary efforts are directed to helping others discover, acquire and activate their own abilities to heal themselves.